Balancing Fruit Photography - a Balanced Diet?

Balancing strawberries fruit photography Patch Harvey

Summer Strawberries balancing in a bowl - Patch Harvey

As winter draws on, we could all do with a little boost, and what better for that than fruit? - Whether it’s the health-giving vitamins in a morning smoothie, or simply a pop of colour in a fruit bowl, fruit makes us happy!

They may be ordinary every-day objects, but a little bit of creative thinking can turn them into the eye-catching centrepiece of a photograph. There is a lot of food photography in the industry where food items float and fly around the frame willy-nilly (sometimes guilty), so in this balancing fruit photography project I tried to create compositions that looked like the fruit could juuuust about really be balanced that way! (Except the grapes and the pomegranate, which are falling 😁 )

I shoot at my own studio in Wimbledon Art Studios. If you are looking for a still life, food, and fruit photographer, here are my contact details.


Bursting Drinks!