Beauty on the Inside: The patterns on the inside of fruit and vegetables
The pattern inside a Pak Choi
A simple project to get back into the swing of things after two weeks away!
A lot of photography, especially creative still-life photography, can become very technical. A mastery of composition and lighting skills, along with post-production techniques, is essential. Much of my work requires all these skills, plus a creative imagination, a desire to do things differently, and a drive to create images.
I wanted this particular project to have visual simplicity. I see so much art (both photographic and not) that is very busy and overloads the viewer. There is absolutely a place for this kind of lavish, extravagant work, but I want to present something more distilled.
This project about the inner-beauty of fruits and vegetables, showing the patterns inside when cut open does exactly that. The natural mechanisms which shape a pak choi or a tomato are immensely complex, but by presenting them with simplicity we can appreciate them in a focussed way.
The inside of a tomato (obviously!)
A clementine, sliced in half
These still-life photographs of fruits and vegetables may have a simple aesthetic, but there is still plenty of technique going into capturing them.
It’s all about getting highlights and shadows where you want them. For this simple but playful look, I wanted a nice clean shadow, so this meant using only one light. The source itself was a strobe with a slightly-larger-than-usual reflector. This kept the light specular, meaning nice shiny highlights on the wet parts of the fruit — especially the orange and the tomato — but a shadow that has just the beginnings of a feather to it. The perfect shadow to feel defined but not be distracting from the main subject.
When editing I decided to replace the background digitally in photoshop. The original backgrounds were paper, and they had a little too much texture for what I wanted to achieve with these shots.
And finally, a pomegranate
Like what you see? I am a professional still-life photographer (food, drinks, products) based in South London. Click here to see the rest of my portfolio!
Or click here for my contact details!
Like your fruit and veg? Check out:
Barbies wearing vegetable outfits
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